Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Make Toast:

How to make toast:

This is an inclass exercise. I was asked to create a step by step process to describe to someone, how to make a piece of toast. We were told to make it as simple as possible but as also include every needed detail. This is my list I came up with...

Step by step guid on how to make toast:
  1. place toaster on flat surface
  2. plug in toaster
  3. turn power on both at power point and on toaster
  4. open bread packet
  5. is bread ok to eat?
  6. put bread in toaster
  7. push leaver down
  8. does it go down?
  9. wait until toast pups up
  10. is it cooked to your liking?
  11. remove toast
  12. is it safe to remove toast?
  13. turn toaster off
  14. unplug toaster
  15. take out knife
  16. add choice of spread
  17. eat
  18. pack up

Once we had our steps in place we were then asked to create a flow chart describing this process. We had to include every step and every action. This is my flow chart i designed.

Flow chart:

Now that we had our flow chart, the next step was to practice our story board making skills. We had to come up with just 3 frames of our flow chart. Yet again we had to keep it as simple as possible but include every needed detail. These were the steps and the frames I used...

Story Board:

Information/Instructional Design:


Information Design:

Information design is the detailed planning of information to produce to an audience in the most efficient and easily understood manner. It is the rearranging of this information in a way to suit the clients and the audiences needs.

Instructional Design:

Instructional design is the process of creating instructional tools and information to help facilitate the needs of the client and audience. It usually consists of a minimum of four steps; defining the problem, defining the audience, selecting and sequencing the information and revising all the elements involved in the project.

  • Maps: road, stadium, subway
  • raod signage: speed, hazzards, street names
  • Store signage
  • instructional manuals
  • Graphs and other charts

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Interactive design:


Interactive design is the field of defining how products and systems react with their users. This field is primarliy based around technology such as software, mobile devices and many more electyronic services.
And designers must always consider when designing, key aspects that immediately affect emotional responses in target users.

  • the coca-cola interactive website

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

topic: Web 2.0


Web 2.0 is a term that refers to the second generation of the world wide web and hosted services. This includes the movement away from static web pages to tools which aim to help people collaborate and share the ideas with each other all over the world. The idea of Web 2.0 is to allow the users to give their opinions and their input on certain topics.

  • Wikipedia
  • Flickr
  • Google AdSence
  • Napster
  • Blogs